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  • giorgibezhitashvili

Hello World!

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

Hi there. Thanks for stopping by.

This is our first "Hello" article and an introduction blog post describing what would be covered in our future blogs, articles, educational videos and other content.

Here we will discuss and try to cover different topics in Agriculture, Growing, Plant Nutrition, Fertilizers, Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Greenhouses and so on. (DWC, RTW etc.)

The aim is to show our customers and other site users the relevant up-to-date info which is elaborated over decades in science in relevance of plant nutrition in an Agile and innovative times.

The knowledge shared in our posts, represents most innovative, scientifically proven data and findings in Botanics, Chemistry, Agriculture and Engineering from all over the world.

As Socrates once said: We cant teach anybody anything. We can only make them think.

Follow us in that Persuasion on our blogs and Social Media.

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